I cleaned out Marshalls of their Barielle stuff. Got some camo, HRF, mani extender, and hand creme.
Left to right along the top: SH Going Green, SH Blue It, SH LS Spark, WnW Night Prowl, NYC Chinatown, OPI Here Today Aragon Tomorrow, Milani Dressmaker (LOVE THIS!), Brucci Elizabeth's A Natural.
Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Going Green: I like this more than I thought I would! Not-complete-lemming for Essie Pretty Edge killed.
Close-up of SH Going Green: and this has shimmer!
The Milani is so lovely. Although it took 3 coats to be mostly opaque :( Still... secret shimmer is worth it!
Here's my awful mani of it. I did it in the living room (has terrible lighting) -_-
Also got these bad boys from a blog sale over at The Kitchen, the Closet and the Laboratory.... OPI Green-wich Village (a lemming! It has been fulfilled!), OPI Russian Navy Suede (my first suede, wow, it is amazing!), NARS Arabesque (as a freebie; not sure what to do with it!), Essie St Lucia Lilac (I should do a comparison vs OPI Rumple's Wiggin)
Last weekend I also stopped into CVS to pick up Confetti My Favorite Martian:
I kinda love it:
Finally, my first franken. The mess, first:
I got caught up in the frenzy about Paradoxal, which is bizarre because a) I'm not even that crazy about the colour, and b) I hope I never spend more than $10 on a bottle of nail polish (we'll see how long this lasts).
Anyway, somehow I ended up making this:
I actually like it!
Macro of the shimmer (wrong colour for Paradoxal, but hey, I used what I had)
I used some neglected eyeshadows (the dark shimmery brown from Maybelline Expert Wear quad in Natural Smokes - my first eyeshadow palette!, and a free pigment sample from Coastal Scents in Quartz Mauve), the light pink Barielle from the prior Marshalls haul (which was terribly streaky and blechy!!), some WnW Black Creme and the NYC Chinatown, all thrown together.
I picked up a few more drugstore polishes recently, but I'll save those for next time.