Crowstoes sent me her Pleiades Collection a few weeks ago, but have been pretty busy at work recently, so apologies for posting this so late!
I am not the best at capturing multichrome polishes, but I tried to capture a couple pics of each under my desk lamp, since I normally photograph with a big diffused flash, which tends to wash out most multichrome polishes :( I think I did manage to capture some of the extra sparkle that is in these polishes, though! These are quite complex!
Formula is great on all of these. Some are a more opaque than others, but I think all can be worn with 2-3 coats on their own, or 1 coat layered over a coordinating base. Hopefully it's not too late for you to get these if you want them :S
Here are the direct links to the Crowstoes at Llarowe and OverallBeauty:
Llarowe CrowsToes
OverallBeauty CrowsToes
Bottle pics

Alcyone over Essie Film Noir - A cool-toned purple blue multichrome

desk lamp light

Asterope (3 coats on its own) - A pink-gold-orange multichrome, that reminded me a bit of MAC Bad Fairy, but lighter.

desk lamp light

Celaeno (3 coats on its own) - A gold-orange-green multichrome

desk lamp light

Electra over CND Midnight Sapphire - A turquoise-blue-purple multichrome

desk lamp light

Maia (2 coats on its own) - A bright red-pink-purple-fuchsia multichrome

desk lamp light

Merope (3 coats on its own) - A brownish purple-blue multichrome that reminded me a bit of Orly Galaxy Girl. Woops, sorry about the fuzzy on my ring finger!

desk lamp light

Taygete over Essie Film Noir - A true purple to pink multichrome

desk lamp light

Orion (3 coats on its own) - A green-brown-aqua-goldish multichrome

desk lamp light

And if you are having a hard time distinguishing these from one another, I tried to group them together and compare them on the same hand:
Comparison: Asterope (3 coats) and Maia (2 coats) - no underwear here

desk lamp light

Comparison: Merope (2 coats), Taygete (3 coats), Alcyone (3 coats), Electra (3 coats) - no underwear here

Desk lamp light

Hope this post was helpful!