Zoya Happi - A midtone pink with lots and lots of gold shimmer.

Comparison: Revlon Sublime Strawberry vs. Zoya Happi - I don't have many pinks (actually, that might be a lie), so this is just to help you get an idea of the colour.

Zoya Heather - This was picked out by DBF from the Zoya catalog. It's a hard colour to describe, since it's pink but with lavender tones.

Comparison: OPI Pandamonium Pink vs. Zoya Heather - Here you can see that the Zoya is not nearly as pink as the OPI.

Zoya Malia - Also picked out by DBF, this colour is really gorgeous and applies flawlessly in 2 coats. However, it is impossible for me to capture the correct colour!!

Comparison: OPI Funky Dunkey vs. Zoya Malia - You all know what OPI FD (and its various dupes) look like (a bit warmer than this pic), so I hope this gives you a sense of what Malia really looks like.

Zoya Pinta - This is an old swatch, but lovely colour. I've heard it is a dupe for OPI Sapphire in the Snow (which is HTF now).

Zoya Posh - This has been OOS on the Zoya website for quite a while, so I was glad to have found it at the beauty supply store near my brother's house in NorCal. Unfortunately, I probably won't be visiting him again any time soon, so byebye lovely BS! This polish is amazing... so awesome, I adore it. Then again, I love all Zoya's matte velvets! I'm not so impressed with their mod-mattes summer collection, to be honest... they seem so flat compared to the matte-velvets!

Comparison: Zoya Posh vs. RBL Cherry Love - Here is Posh with topcoat compared to an RBL to give you an idea of how the red leans to the "cherry red" side :)