From Anchors Ahoy, I picked up Sea Spray, Pelican Gray, and White Cap.
ChG Pelican Gray - The formula on this is amazing; just two coats and super easy to apply. Definitely recommend this one if you're into grays.

Comparison: ChG Pelican Gray and DC Concrete Jungle - You can see it's not dupeish to DC Concrete Jungle (which is a dupe for RBL Concrete Jungle). The previous post on the Zoya Intimate collection has a comparison of Pelican Gray and Dove, if you are wondering about that.

ChG Sea Spray - I absolutely adore this colour! The formula is a little difficult (goopy, thick), but not unmanageable. I will probably thin it a little the next time I wear it. I suppose it suffers from what all pale blues do... but love the colour like crazy! It's allegedly a dead-on dupe for Essie Sag Harbor, so you can skip this if you already have that :)

During my weekend hauling, I also picked up CND Jade Sparkles and thought it looked similar to ChG White Cap.
Here they are layered over ChG Sea Spray...

Hopefully you can see that White Cap is much more dense than the CND, but it gives a similar effect.
However, White Cap has a bit of a milky base that is more apparent when you layer it over something darker, such as Orly Enchanted Forest, below:
ChG White Cap over Orly Enchanted Forest

Personally, I think CND Jade Sparkles is more versatile, but White Cap is pretty gorgeous over lighter colours. NB has mentioned that White Cap looks very similar to Jesse's Girl Firefly (in the squareish bottles) that have been showing up at Rite-aids lately.
Hope this helps! :)