Maybelline Sapphire Masquerade (2 coats) - Very textured and thirsty glitter, and is warmer IRL than pictured. I think it is so pretty! I like it more than I thought I would based on how it looked in the bottle :)

I'm not sure if it'll make it through the next round of purging, though, as I've been tending to drift away from glitters!
I'm taking tomorrow and Tuesday off work for a long-weekend trip out to the SF-Bay area. We are going to see some friends, family (my sister-in-law is about the pop, though! I think her due date is over the weekend! So I'm not sure if we will be able to see them), and take a couple trips up to Napa to meet with some vendors for the wedding. We've lined up appointments with a bakery and 2 florists. Hopefully we'll have both those vendors booked by the time we get back!
Hope you all (North American readers, anyway) have a great long weekend!
It's funny because i'm in California on a vacation too - seems like a lot of people actually are, LOL! But I'm in Southern California right now though :-) And I'm not buying new polishes too. I've bought only topcoats and one polish lately - Zoya Blu - but it's pastel - and I have a weakness for them! The topcoats that I've tried recently - INM Out the Door - I personally had some shrinkage with it right away, Sally Hansen in a black bottle - doesn't dry fast enough, and Revlon Quick Dry - just as glossy or glossier and dries faster. I have to compare it to the rest of my top coats. Overall i'm still on the lookout for the right top coat - a little offtop :-)
ReplyDeleteI am getting this ASAP :)