
Thursday, May 27, 2010

First OPI and China Glaze

I have a terribly addictive personality.

I just placed my first TransDesign order, since I have been lemming (for a whole THREE DAYS, lol) for OPI's Tickle My France-y and China Glaze's For Audrey. I just moved here to New Jersey last year from Canada, so I'm still really unfamiliar with the area and since my polish addiction is pretty new, I'm still getting my bearings. I ordered some other goodies to make the shipping "worth it" (oh the non-sensical justification has already begun...), but I'll save the rest for a future post!

By the way, I changed the name of the blog to Spaz & Squee. I'm terrible at naming things, but it seemed more appropriate since those are the two reactions I seem to be having when confronted with polishes I need.

Yesterday I stopped by the mall for three reasons:

1. Banana Republic: I had a 40% off one regular priced item coupon. I bought a dress shirt in turquose stripes

2. Disney Store: Needed to pick up 2 Pook-a-Loozs that I have been wanting:

I bought Eeyore a few weeks ago, but I wanted a Tigger.

And since they are 2 for $20 (otherwise $12.50 each), I picked up a lil Chessie-cat... The notebook is from last time. It's super cute too.

3. Hallmark: Needed to get a Father's Day card. I found the perfect one (in about 1 minute! The woman beside me looked like she was at her wit's end and I think she may have been there for quite a long time...)

I completed all these tasks, and was ready to book it home. I had to walk back to the other end of the mall to where I had parked, so I decided to go via the second floor for a change of scenery (and also fewer people! I don't know why it's always so crowded at the mall in NJ... just... always). As I was about to descend down the escalators at the end of the second floor, I noticed the in-mall hair salon had a poster on its storefront with "OPI $6.99" in huge letters.

Obviously, I made a bee-line into the salon, even though I had no intention of getting anything. That's how it always is, though, isn't it.

After deciding not to get anything, I was ready to leave, but spotted the Alice in Wonderland and Shrek collections at the cash. My friend Tish from back home had sent me my two first OPI's (they are in the pics below): Funkey Dunkey from the Shrek collection, and Pearl of Wisdom from the HK Collection, I believe.

I know everyone is gaga for Absolutely Alice and Mad As a Hatter, but honestly, I am not a huge fan of glitters, let alone ones with multiple colours in them. I feel like I'm already pushing the boundaries of acceptable nail colour at work as it is (thank goodness it's Spring/Summer, though! Essie Resorts don't look so strange right now!), so glitter is just too much for me. Plus, removing it is annoying and harsh on my nails (pure acetone :()

After my first taste of the Shrek collection with Funkey Dunkey, What's With The Cattitude and Rumple's Wiggin' had me salivating. I suppose Rumple's Wiggin' is quite a common pale lavender colour, but since my collection is essentially brand new, I needed myself a shade like this! I'm wearing Cattitude right now (I love Puss in the movies, and cats in general) and I love it. I did notice that it looked rather bright under office lighting while I was at work today. Oh well, it's not like clients actually come to our po-dunk office anyways.

Finally, I went back to the huge display for a quick look over, and saw You Don't Know Jacques. Tish actually sent me a bottle of this in my birthday package, but it broke! I was sad, so, naturally, had to replace it. I think I'll probably swatch it next time I do my nails, but not wear it until end of summer comes around.

On to the pics...

Pearl of Wisdom, YDKJ, Funkey Dunkey, Rumple's Wiggin', What's With the Cattitude

My girl Tish also sent me my first China Glaze in After Glow. I googled it and heard that it was amazing over black, so I picked up a WnW polish (which I also read raves about). After Glow has a blue iridescence to it, so I'm excited to layer that over some other darker colours as well.

I hate changing my lenses, so we're stuck with a picture like this. I don't think I will swatch for this blog (I don't think my nails can handle it), but I'll do NOTD's, I suppose! :)

Then I decided it might be fun to take some super up close shots of the bottles. Since I'm sure everyone has already seen the full bottle shots of these again and again...

What's With The Cattitude

Rumple's Wiggin' (is this like, Rumplestilson (sp?) is wigging out?)

Funkey Dunkey: I really like this! I'm a sucker for cremes though. Not so fond of obvious shimmers.

You Don't KNOW JACQUES: I felt like capitalizing the last two words... like someone is getting really worked up and yelling this out ^^; I over exposed this picture (obivously, but aiming my flash unit right into the bottle lol) so it's a bit light, even after adjustments.

Pearl of Wisdom: looks good with the straight on flash.

After Glow: I'm not sure if you can tell there's iridescence here...

WnW Black Creme: Why am I even posting this? lol.

until next time...